Case Details
Sadie by eatsh-tandlive


  • Age: 10 months
  • Sex: female spayed
  • Breed: Golden Retriever
  • Species: dog

Disease Notes

  • Certainty: tentative
  • Comments: Prior History from Angell Animal Medical Center:

    3/12/14 - Pro-pectalin started since last Saturday, Giardia positive, dewormed multiple times with pyrantel/Panacur (Fenbendazole)/marquis, prescribed metronidazole/panacur
    3/20/14 - Received DHPP and Lepto vaccine, currently on Heartgard/Advantix and Flagyl
    3/31/14 - Recommend WD dry diet
    4/15/14 - Received Lepto vaccine, currently on Heartgard/Advantix
    5/29/14 - Diarrhea, Giardia fecal float test, prescribed metronidazole/proviable/panacur
    7/10/14 - Recommend ZD diet
    7/11/14 - Prescribed amoxicillin and Panacur granules (owner ceased amoxicillin due to vomiting)
    7/29/14 - Giardia positive

    Vaccination History:
    DHPP - 1/21/14, 2/17/14, 2/28/14, 3/20/14
    Rabies - 2/28/14
    Leptospirosis - 3/20/14, 4/15/14
    Bordetella - 3/10/14

    Always had diarrhea since Sadie was 4 months old. Diet change to raw 1 1/2 month ago (first visit 9/20/14) and diarrhea ceased, however was still positive for giardia. Has strong desire to eat poop.

    On 9/20/14 (first visit): Vitamin C and B-complex (1cc VitB and 1 1/2cc VitC), Ozone Therapy (120cc subcutaneous)

    Supplements added: Colostrum, Rx Biotic, Epizyme, Nutrigest, Phytomucil, MASH Vital Nutrients, Ultra EFA, Canine Enteric Support, THUJA LM1

    Tests: Giardia positive
  • Final Status: resolved as of day 15 of treatment

Treatment and Outcome

Day 2

Notes:  Treatment on 9/23/14: Ozone Therapy (80cc subcutaneous), Vitamin C and B-complex injection (1/2cc VitB and 1 1/4cc VitC), Rectal Ozone (100cc), MicroBiome Restorative Therapy Orally(Lili) and Rectally(Lili+Vienna)

Diet is largely raw

Day 8

Notes:  Phone call: Sadie has no diarrhea

Diet is largely raw

Day 10

Notes:  Tests: Giardia negative

Diet is largely raw

Day 15

Notes:  Tests: Giardia negative

Diet is largely raw