Case Details
Muffian by Radica
Crusting And Ulceration Chin And Ears


  • Species: cat

Disease Notes

  • Certainty: confirmed
  • Comments: Lesions On Chin And Ears: This cat has had chronic skin lesions on chin and L ear only for over 2 years. Did not resolve on steroids, was only just about under control.
    O chose to see me as he did not want steroids and the cat had also been on abx for 2 years.

    Skin lesions: marked black crusting, under crusts severe ulceration, excoriation, erythema, bleeding, wet lesions. Lesion location : ventral aspect of chin. Entrance to ear canal L>R extending just upto and slightly beyond tragus, walls of external auditory meatus normal.
    T: pink, moist
    P: fast, thin, sl. wiry
    Negative for mites and other ectoparasites, negative for cryptococcus (from rDVM)
    Will not eat raw diet, tried switching. O is trying to feed canned salmon.
    Started herbs in the following combination:
    Long Dan Xie Gan Tang
    Astragalus and Ligustrum
    Xiao Yao San

    Asked to gently clean lesions with Marigold Tea.
  • Final Status: better as of day 14

Treatment and Outcome

Day 7

Notes:   Notes: Lesions have now spread to R ear as well and a small amount under R eye.
O has been unable to administer herbs.
Will not eat raw food.

Diet is largely canned or kibble

Diet is largely canned or kibble

Day 14

Notes:  Owner was able to administer herbs mixed in coconut oil (this is what I do for cats if they don't take it in orally) as transdermal.
Also using comfrey, lavender, chamomile and calendula in coconut oil (2 drops each) as topical on lesions.
Lesions much improved, crusting and black debris falling ff, underlying ulcerated skin less angry.
Please bear with me, am trying to upload a bunch of pics.
