Case Details
Jazz by Augerdvm


  • Species: dog

Disease Notes

  • Certainty: confirmed
  • Final Status: slightly better as of day 13 of treatment

Treatment and Outcome

Day 13

Notes:  Rechecked after 2 weeks:
owner noted improvement in pruritus. and is now only requiring 25% of original Van-P dose.
appetite increased and drinking less.
owner notes more moist skin in axilla and groin
stools slightly softer but well formed
behavior better towards owner's girlfriend

on exam:
Tongue: thin, wide, lavender-pink, moist
Pulse: strong but not bounding, toned, mid-ranged, slightly rapid
Heat still palpable on top of head but better
no active points noted. no reaction to Liv14
no resentment to cranial abdominal palpation.

Assessment: improved from heat standpoint but more damp/damp-heat signs showing up

Added LDEMS (Damp Heat Derma Relief) to the QYT (Cool the Blood) until next recheck in 2 weeks

Diet is largely canned or kibble