Case Details
Dozer by jk176
Eosinophilic Stomatitis


  • Species: dog

Disease Notes

  • Certainty: confirmed
  • Final Status: resolved as of day 41 of treatment

Treatment and Outcome

Day 26

Notes:  follow up as prednisone was tapered
when the formula were started there was mild redness but no ulceration on the caudal palatal folds, the formula was started to hopefully keep the problem resolved as we taper off immunosuppressives
on prednisone 5 mg PO SID, modified cyclosporine 100 mg PO SID
Doing well, no teeth chattering
ravenous appetite, thirst normal, great energy level, loves to be outside running
not adverse to cold, doesn't like going out in the rain
started rubbing his ears 2 days ago - new duck treats started 3 weeks ago
Exam - BAR, mild erythema caudal palatal folds - no ulceration
tongue - dark lavender, thin, thin edges, not moist, pulse - thin/weak/deep - difficult to feel, not slow or fast, toned, body/ears/feet - slightly warm

Diet is largely canned or kibble

Day 41

Notes:  Dozer is doing well. There was no evidence of stomatitis. His vomiting resolved.
His tongue was dark lavender and big, his pulse was thin, toned, deep and weak - not fast or slow. His pulse seemed to improve a little with LIV 13 and possibly a little more with SP9.
There was no improvement with GB34.
He had been off the Yi Guan Jian and Zhi Bai DI Huang Wan since 1/22/22. He is still on prednisone 5 mg PO SID and modified cyclosporine 100mg PO SID.
Since his pulse was still weak and thin, I restarted the Yi Guan Jian. I switched him to 5 mg of prednisolone PO EOD. If the vomiting recurs and there are multiple episodes, I will reassess and will consider Xiao Yao San.
He will be starting the NomNom diet - commercial whole food diet.

Diet is largely canned or kibble

Acupuncture points were stimulated