Case Details
Teddy by henry
Behavioral Change


  • Species: dog

Disease Notes

  • Certainty: confirmed
  • Final Status:

Treatment and Outcome

Problem Notes
  • Behavioral Changes: Teddy is a 13 year old Bichon Frise who underwent a dramatic behavioral change in July. His owners believe it started right after July 4 fireworks which terrified him. Shortly after that he was treated for otitis externa at his primary veterinarian with Mometamax and developed deafness which resolved after the Mometamax was discontinued. Around the same time he went from being an affectionate lap dog to being highly anxious and avoiding interaction with his family. He exhibits pacing, panting and hides in a closet. He also exhibits cold seeking behavior. Lab work at his primary veterinarian showed very elevated Alkaline Phosphatase and moderately elevated ALT.

    Teddy was presented for acupuncture and herbal treatment to relieve his symptoms. He presented as very anxious although cooperative. Tongue was very pale and pulse was weak and rapid. The only acupuncture point that markedly improved the behavior was ST 36. I also formulated a homemade diet for Teddy. In addition, I have discussed referral to a neurologist and a work up for Cushings.

    I have treated Teddy three times now. After acupuncture, he engages more with his owners and panting is decreased but the response is short lived. I have prescribed XCHT for him. It doesn't exactly fit what I am seeing but there is a lot of upper jiao heat which I have found can often be helped by this formula. I am interested in any thoughts you might have that would help this guy. I am thinking about possibly trying Chai Hu Jia Long Gu Mu Li Tang. Thanks for any advice you can give.