Case Details
Tillie by BridgetQuatmann
Multifocal Spinal Cord Disease


  • Age: 17 years
  • Breed: German Shepherd
  • Species: dog

Disease Notes

  • Certainty: confirmed

Treatment and Outcome

Day 2155

Notes:  Tillie was diagnosed by the VMRCVM with multifocal spinal cord disease and chronic recurring urinary tract infections shortly before our first visit. As a German Shepherd, her reduced conscious proprioception was of particular concern. Tillie had bilateral TPLO surgeries previously at the VMRCVM as well. When Tillie presented in March 2008 she was assisted with a sling and no longer able to get onto the couch on her own. She started regular acupuncture visits, home prepared food and a VERY long list of various herbals in the ensuing years. Cold Laser was added. The first several years we treated every 2 weeks, the last 1.5 years we treated weekly. I will be happy to provide further details. Tillie only went back into a harness at about age 16.5 years. She passed peacefully on her own 2/19/14.

Acupuncture points were stimulated