Case Details
Skya by sonyaw1


  • Species: dog

Disease Notes

  • Certainty: confirmed
  • Final Status: better as of day 73 of treatment

Treatment and Outcome

Day 73

Notes:  Skya has two obvious symptoms from her GME (Glomerulo meningo encephalitis), pain involving neck, and ataxia/weakness primarily involving hind end (also mild kyphosis, tail down). She has had no recent exacerbations of pain, which are most disconcerting to owners, and hind end is improved, neurologically. She has decreased hair growth (bald where previously shaved), and increased muscle weakness/atrophy. Hind leg muscles VERY flaccid. Current dose prednisolone 1.4 mg/kg daily. Considering that some symptoms likely from Iatrogenic Cushings.

Chem and Thyroid panel through Hemolife labs indicate hypothyroid (however not autoimmune) and hepatic involvement (Cushing?). T4 0.5 (1.4 - 3.4), Free T4 0.07 (.8 - 2.2), T3 <10 (30 - 70), Free T3 0.55 (1.6 - 3.5), TGAA neg. ALT 472 (12 - 118),ALP 4295 (5 - 131), GGT 64 (1 - 12) of primary significance, also Phos, Ca, Potassium, Chol, Trig and Lipase elevated. 8/7/2014 these were mostly WNL.

Skya feels cool to touch, tongue is pink (unless stressed to trim nails, immediately turns lavender). Pulse to me feels thready, or could be normal. She fell asleep during acupuncture and was very relaxed afterwards.

Treatment today is acupuncture with needles at Bai wei, BL 23, BL 40, and LI 5. Homotox/autosanguis at LIV 13, and followed with oral solutions of Heel homotox. (I have avoided acupuncture near neck due to Skya's sensitivity , reactions to previous medications, and long distance from me for follow-up; i.e. I'm chicken!) Recommended physical therapy methods for back and hind legs. Owners will be working with RDVM (150 miles away) to reduce prednisolone dose and try to go to alternate day treating.

I would like to add herbs at this time, and wondering if you still recomend Chai Ge Jie Ji Tang, with new changes. Also if anything else herbally for liver. RDVM suggested milk thistle. Owners cook for Skya and interested in what foods would be helpful or harmful for conditions (liver, inflammatory meningitis). They have decreased her prednisolone dose currently to 1 mg/kg daily, I am encouraging alternate day dosing even if same total dose. Also RDVM is planning to start thyroid supplement.

Thank you very much, Owners were considering euthanasia at previous post due to periodic pain.
