Case Details
Callie by naturevet
Inappropriate Urination


  • Species: cat

Disease Notes

  • Certainty: confirmed
  • Comments: Episodes weekly. Aggravated by any departure from routine, especially female owner's absence.

    Improved if litter box cleaned regularly and if receives attention

    Urinates on rug at front door or on mat in bathroom

    Urinary and fecal incontinence with distress, such as during bathing and when locked in a bathroom by herself by male owner, as 'punishment' for inappropriate urination

    Aggressive if afraid

    Sedation of BL 18 improved the deep wiry pulse
  • Final Status: much better as of day 119 of treatment

Treatment and Outcome

Day 77

Notes:  Problems ceased immediately. No further aggression, anxiety or incontinence. Owners have been more conscious of their potential role in precipitating the behaviour by stressing Callie (e.g. by locking her up). In response, Callie will now run to the door to greet the male owner when he comes home

No litter box changes have been made, Cleaning has not been any more zealous. Owner left cat on her own for 48 hours while both she and her boyfriend went away, but even then there were no episodes of inappropriate urination

Improvements had been seen when Feliway used previously, but never to this degree or this comprehensively

Catnip is also being given as a treat regularly, in case it has relaxant effects

Today BL 18 is not active. Callie is very content, and displays some hyperesthesia over an area of fixation in her thoracic vertebrae. Chiropractic treatment was rendered. This is allegedly an area of chronic discomfort after being seized here by a dog while still a kitten

Diet is largely canned or kibble

Acupuncture points were stimulated

Day 119

Notes:  Single episode of urination beside a dirty litter box

Chiropractic used for low and mid-back stiffness

Aggressive behaviour has disappeared

Acupuncture points were stimulated

Manipulation or massage was performed