Case Details
Odie by Lex
Cluster Seizures


  • Species: dog

Disease Notes

  • Certainty: confirmed
  • Final Status: Deceased from this disease on day 131

Treatment and Outcome

Day 0

Notes:  Initial visit
History of seizures since 2yo.
Cluster seizures 7 -8/cluster mostly happen at night an during falling asleep. Seizures are triggered by stress (family members not being home).Seizures worse May, Aug, Nov. No seizures between Dec 2012 and Sept 2013 was receiving homeopathic treatments.
Anxious when routine is disrupted
Recurring ear infections q6wks. Licks at paws
Deep sleeper, lots of movement in the sleep, snores.
Polyphagic, polydipsic - stress driven.
Current medications:
Phenobarbital 90 mg BID
KBr - 5ml SID

TONGUE: Pale to lavender PULSE: slippery
dry hair coat, mild ataxia (R/O sedative effect of the meds)

Assessment: cluster seizures R/O epilepsy. TCVM DX: Liver heat, damp heat, shao yang pathology.

acupuncture GV 20 sedate, GB 20 sedate, BL 22 sedate, GB 34 tonify
Long Dang Xie Gan Tang 2g bid
Chai Hu Jia Long Gu Muli Tang 2g bid
Zincum 30CH 5 pellets bid

Diet is largely raw

Acupuncture points were stimulated

Day 14

Appeared to be “tired” since herbal treatments started. Owner was advised to decrease dose of KBr to 4 ml/day. Odie was “clipped” by the truck in the driveway => low back pain, left hind leg lameness. Owner treated with oral arnica montana 30C and traumeel.

Sleeping more soundly, less dreaming, still snoring. Less obsessed with food. Herbs seem to put Odie off his food.

somewhat anxious in the exam room. Tongue: red – pink Pulse: slippery
Active acupuncture points: BL-19, GB-20, BL-12.
Acupuncture: BL-19, GB-20, BAI HUI (at LS junction), Shen Shu, BL-54, LIV-3, LI-4, BL-62, SP-4, GB-27, BL-40.

Long Dan Xie Gan Tang 2g BID,
Chai Hu Jia Long Gu Muli Tang 2g BID
KBr 3ml SID
Phenobarbital 90mg BID

Diet is largely raw

Acupuncture points were stimulated

Manipulation or massage was performed

Day 49

Notes:  Owner noted improvement. No seizures during the heat wave. Much improved sleep and not as ravenous with food. Improved PD. Currently on 2ml KBr. SID, Phenobarbital 90mg BID.

PULSE: slippery
TONGUE:slightly red
Active points: BL-18, BL-22, GB-25, GB-34, GV-14

acupuncture BL-18, BL-22, GB-20, GB-25, GB-34, BAI HUI (at LS), SHEN SHU, GB-27, BL-54,

Long Dan Xie Gan Tang 2g BID, Chai Hu Jia Long Gu Muli Tang 2g BID, Zincum 30C 5 pellets BID,
KBr 2ml SID for 14 d, 2ml EOD for 14d, then 1ml SID, Phenobarbital 90mg BID.

Diet is largely raw

Day 76

Not anxious around dogs anymore. Low energy, poor vision up-close.
On Phenobarbital 75mg BID, KBr 2ml SID.

TONGUE:pink slightly lavender
PULSE: weak, thin

Fixations at lower lumbar region and LS junction. Fixations adjusted with VOM. Pulse improved after adjustments.
Active points: BL-18, BL-20, GB-20, GB-27, BL-40, GB-25.

No seizures since May.

liver damp heat + phlegm + spinal fixations

BL-18, GV-14, GB-20, GB-27, BL-54, BL-40,GB-25, ST-40.

Long Dan Xie Gan Tang 2g BID
Chai Hu Jia Long Gu Muli Tang 2g BID
KBr and Phenobarbital as above.
Rhus toxicodendron 30C 5 pellets BID

Diet is largely raw

Acupuncture points were stimulated

Manipulation or massage was performed

Day 79

Notes:  (phone call) Odie has decreased appetite. Advised to reduce KBr to 0.5ml SID and Long Dan Xie Gan Tang to 1g BID.

Diet is largely raw

Day 93

Notes:  Update from the owner – Odie is doing well, improved appetite.

Diet is largely raw

Day 113

Notes:  Recommendations made to the owner to change herbal treatments:
Chai Hu Jia Long Gu Muli Tang 100g + Tian Ma 20g 3g BID continue with Long Dan Xie Gan Tang 1g BID, continue with KBr 0.5ml SID, Phenobarbital 75mg BID.

Diet is largely raw

Day 131

Notes:  Oct 24,2014 ( Friday) Owner reports multiple cluster seizures from late night and into the morning.
Owner has decreased (owner's initiative) the dose of KBr to 0.1ml SID and dose of herbs to 1g BID of each Long Dan Xie Gan Tang and Chai Hu Jia Long Gu Muli Tang + Tian Ma.
ADVICE: incerase dose of KBr to 5ml SID, increase dose of both herbal formulas to 3g TID.
Monday, Oct 27, 2014:
Phone call from the owner: Odie was euthanized on the weekend due to severe neurological damage caused by cluster seizures.