Case Details
Abigail by Kiwivet
Urine Leakage


  • Age: 4 years
  • Sex: female spayed
  • Breed: Pitbull
  • Species: dog

Disease Notes

  • Certainty: confirmed
  • Final Status: resolved as of day 403 of treatment

Treatment and Outcome

Day 18

Notes:  Stopped Proin completely on Nov 21. Pet was aggressive and anxious on this med.
The urine dribbling has stopped (or at least not returned since stopping the Proin) and starting Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tang. Behavior is already much improved since stopping the prion. BUT in the last week the dog, when startled, has had several large puddles of urine accidents. UA wnl; urine culture is pending.

Diet is largely canned or kibble

Day 77

Notes:  Has been on the Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tang since November did the start up dose then got to about 3/4 T BID, I lowered her down in Decmeber to about 1/2 T BID.
She is doing great! Her behavior is wonderful and more importantly she is not having and issues with urinating. The accidents in the house have stopped and she has also not had any leaking problems either.

Diet is largely canned or kibble

Day 111

Notes:  Talked with Dr. Kim about lowering the dose in the begining of February. To start we just lowered her to 1/4T in the PM (instead of 1/2T BID) The leaking started again abut a week after we lowered the dose.
Soo we brought her back up to 1/2T BID. This is where we will stay! She continues to like it and take it like a champ!

Diet is largely canned or kibble

Day 403

Notes:  As long as the pet remains on her herbal med, incontinence is resolved. Client has tried to take her off and leakage returns.

Diet is largely canned or kibble