Case Details
Quick Quick by jandvm
Incontinence Now Neoplasia


  • Species: dog

Disease Notes

  • Certainty: confirmed
  • Final Status: Deceased from this disease on day 69

Treatment and Outcome

Day 66

Notes:  Hi, Steve
I haven't seen this dog since the ultrasound was done, just spoken to owner as she had cancelled apt last week, but dog has diarrhea incontinence and worsening urinary incontinence, just wanting to sleep and very anxious wanting to be close to owner. So owner has decided to have rdvm euthanize tomorrow. So I wonder if I had put her on XCHT and BZYQT as you suggested if it would have turned her around? I had a sense from the beginning of treating her that BZYQT would help her with the incontinences, but the tongue and pulse didn't fit. Would the CHJLGMLT have caused her to go downhill so quickly? I had chosen it to try to decrease the anxiety as well as treat the TBO. How would it have affected the SP so much? How is it so otherwise different from XCHT? Owner and I agreed to try her off the thyroxine so after she had been weaned down to 3.5 mg sid we stopped it. Would that have worsened things? What could I have done differently? I am sad, she is a nice dog and had a hard life empty of real love and affection before this owner got her. This owner has given her lots of love and a good life.
Appreciate your thoughts and comments/suggestions here.

Day 69

Notes:  owner felt dog was deteriorating and chose euthanasia before some new formulas could be started