Case Details
Rosie by RPEBVM
Diarrhea, Chronic


  • Species: dog

Disease Notes

  • Certainty: confirmed
  • Final Status: resolved as of day 624 of treatment

Treatment and Outcome

Day 0

Notes:  NRT muscle response test locate gastric acid digestive weakness, Spleen and Stomach weakness, fecal and giardiasis testing negative, blood unremarkable, prior conventional and holistic tx failed or worsened.

Diet is largely canned or kibble

Day 20

Notes:  NRT muscle response test locate gastric acid digestive weakness, Spleen and Stomach weakness, fecal and giardiasis testing negative, blood unremarkable, prior conventional and holistic tx failed or worsened. Okra Pepcin E3, ZymexII

Diet is largely canned or kibble

Day 20

Notes:  NRT muscle response test locate gastric acid digestive weakness, Spleen and Stomach weakness, fecal and giardiasis testing negative, blood unremarkable, prior conventional and holistic tx failed or worsened. Okra Pepcin E3, ZymexII

Diet is largely canned or kibble

Day 195

Notes:  No further issues. Lifetime diarrhea and intermittent skin issues resolved. Will need these agents for life as suspect breed related constitutional gastric digestive weakness. Dog eats a commercial grain free diet with additional meat and sweet potato. Diet has not changed.

Diet is largely canned or kibble

Day 195

Notes:  No further issues. Lifetime diarrhea and intermittent skin issues resolved. Will need these agents for life as suspect breed related constitutional gastric digestive weakness. Dog eats a commercial grain free diet with additional meat and sweet potato. Diet has not changed.

Diet is largely canned or kibble

Day 624

Notes:  No recurrence of skin or GI issues, resolved quickly with NRT guided whole food therapy.

Diet is largely canned or kibble