Case Details
Rosie by equinesportsmed
Renal Failure


  • Age: 15 years
  • Sex: female spayed
  • Breed: Curly Rex
  • Species: cat

Disease Notes

  • Certainty: confirmed
  • Final Status: as of day 72 of treatment

Treatment and Outcome

Problem Notes
  • Dehydration: Previous vet gave SQ LR, sent client home with fluids, but not good instructions on how to use.
  • Elevated BUN: Previous vet had incomplete labs: said he remembered BUN was 70
  • Straining To Defecate: Instructed client to give Miralax (1/4 t BID) if persisted through the day.

Day 0

Notes:  Cat seems brighter today, owner very happy. Now drinking a lot and grooming.
Treatments 9/26:
Recommended force feeding slurry of canned rabbit, tuna water, broth
Biopuncture (Solidago, Coenz, Ubichinon, Apis HA) in BL 18, 23, GV 14
100 ml LR SQ
Amino B-plex
Rx Renal Feline
Canna-pet feline
As per Dr. Sarah Dayon (consulted by phone during visit), sent home with one dose Phos 200C to be given at bedtime

Diet is largely canned or kibble

Acupuncture points were stimulated

Manipulation or massage was performed

Day 3

Notes:  Owner reported by phone: cat is brighter, but still weak/wobbly in hind end. Still has to coax her to eat. She is getting "some" of the supplements into her. Not giving injection of homotox remedies twice a day as instructed-- said that as cat felt better she started objecting. Encouraged her to schedule another acupuncture appointment.

Diet is largely canned or kibble

Day 6

Notes:  House call late afternoon. Earlier this morning, seemed to be in pain, and passed several blobs of muscous with bloody centers before straining a few dry hard stools-- cat had long history of this symptom. By my visit, Rosie was quite bright. Owner reported she is getting around much better, can jump and climb stairs. She is still getting 100ml LR daily, usually just before bed. Still fussy about food. Owner did not start Miralax earlier in week, will start it now. Treated BL 23, Bai Hui with dry needles. Injected SQ Hepar Comp, Chelidonium, Mucosa, left remainder of injection for Sunday night administration. Gave homotoxicology tincture: Reneel, Apis HA, Solidago, Coenzyme Comp, Mucosa Comp, Hepar Comp, Chelidonium, Graphites, Nux HA, Spasm, Veratrum, Belladonna, Atropinum Comp.

Diet is largely raw

Acupuncture points were stimulated

Manipulation or massage was performed

Day 13

Notes:  Owner says cat is doing very well, taking all her supplements mixed into tuna water. Rosie's only incident of bowel straining, mucus and upset was after giving her chicken, which I had advised against. No further episodes since owner complied with instructions.

Day 17

Notes:  Owner reports cat is great. She has discontinued SQ fluids. We will check BUN later this week.

Day 72

Notes:  Ran into client at local market. Cat is doing great! No issues. I again encouraged her to have us run a chem panel so we could monitor her renal insufficiency. Again she agreed, but would not make an appointment yet. Is still using Azodyl, RxBiotic and Amino B-Plex daily. I encouraged her to use EFA more regularly.