Case Details
Spirit by CorinneC
Cognitive Dysfunction


  • Species: dog

Disease Notes

  • Certainty: confirmed

Treatment and Outcome

Problem Notes
  • Abdominal Masses And Thrombosis: Spirit presented initially in Aug 2016 for cognitive dysfunction - pacing and restlessnes/unable to settle, accidents in house (urination & defection), starting to jump with sudden loud noises or actions, refusing to go down spiral staircase which Spirit has used without trouble until this year. He also was having unusual episodes of full body tremors. He was diagnosed and presently treated for Hypothyroidism for the past 2 years. He has been on a good quality raw diet most of his life, along with probiotics, curcumin, Cetyl-M, spirogreen. His tongue was pale lavendar-pink, thin, no coating; femoral pulses were deep and hard to find. I initially diagnosed him with Liver blood deficiency and Yang rising and put him on Tian Ma Gou Teng Yin without any success. At his recheck I put him on Bu Gan Tang because of the tremors/spasms and his evident Liver Blood deficiency. His signs slowly stopped and he became much more attentive again, less fearful and continued to return to his normal self over the summer. His pulses became full and strong and his tongue more pink. I had a very happy dog and owner! Spirit was lively and "spirited" again! And I was pretty happy too:)

    Then this past February Spirit suddenly lost his appetite, became lethargic, and lost weight over a 1 week period. He went in for X-rays (no metastases noted on chest rads) and an abdominal ultrasound and a mass was found on his spleen - splenectomy and liver biopsies resulted in only benign lesions, liver normal. Unfortunately 1 more week later an intestinal mass was found and removed, found to be a sarcoma. At this time an aortic thrombosis at his aortic trifurcation was also found. He did well and recovered, appetite finally returned so owner could start him back on BGT (he noticed cog. dysfunction rapidly returning). He was put on Plavex 75mg 1/2 SID by internal med specialist for 30 days to see if the thrombus could be reduced. It has since shrunk somewhat. I am wondering if there is any contraindication of keeping Spirit on BGT and potentially adding Xue Fu Zhu Yu Tang for the mass issue/stasis in the abdomen?

    I'd love to hear your thoughts on this case?

    The owner also asked me about using a more "natural" product called Nattokinase which is apparently an enzyme that prevents heart attacks and strokes? I did not recommend it because I have no experience with it and could find no legitimate studies.

Day 912

Notes:  Spirit finally succumbed to his abdominal masses, but Bu Gan Tang resolved his cognitive dysfunction and he was mentally stable for the 3 years I saw him :) He lived a very full happy life but the masses caught up with us.

Diet is largely raw