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Compulsive Behaviour
by KitLee - May 21, 2009
Hi Steve,
I have been seeing a 6 year old Belgian Tervuren with a longstanding history of compulsive behaviour. She will obsessively lick an area of carpet for long periods of time. She also barbers her own coat behind the back legs. She has had thunderstorm and noise phobias, and on occasion has panic attacks. The owners have been to a behaviourist who tried out a course of Prozac, to no effect. She lives with another tervuren who is the more dominant dog and occasionally is bullied. Sometimes she is aggressive to other dogs in general.

My impression of the dog is that she is quite high strung and very nervous. Bloodwork is unremarkable, and aside from a dry coat, no significant abnormalities are present. Since I had both dogs to compare, I did notice that her tongue was a pale shade of lavender, and that her pulse compared to her housemate's was also strong in terms of amplitude, but did not seem to have as much depth or substance (sorry, not sure if that makes any sense). Owners are concerned that she is not particularly happy, and would be open to trying herbal products. What do you recommend for this patient?

Thanks, Kit
by naturevet
May 21, 2009
Hi Kit,

You can probably try two things. The first is to deal with what is perhaps anxiety due to Blood deficiency. There are several formulas that may help - Dang Gui Shao Yao San if there are Damp signs; Xiao Yao San if there are Spleen signs; Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tang if the stool gets progressively loose with bowel movements; Bu Gan Tang if there are any spasms, or a complete absence of any of the above signs. Yi Guan Jian and Xue Fu Zhu Yu Tang are also commonly effective. This kind of intervention yields gradual results over several months.

For more short term benefits, consider Kava (Piper methysticum), 0.2 ml per 5 lbs in dd BID (or as a single dose before thunderstorms or anticipated stress). Also consider 5-HTP, which seems quite effective at increasing seretonin levels without the necessity for MAO inhibitors.

That should get you somewhere. Good luck!

Valerian root;
by naturevet
May 21, 2009
....also, if this works, high protein low carb diets tend to be highly effective over time as well. Avoid corn-based diets, which are lower in tryptophan (the precursor to seretonin).

You can also consider Valerian, but it is less potent a western herb than Kava.

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