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Cardiac Arrhythmia With L-sided CHF
by Michelle1 - May 30, 2009
Hi Steve,
Seeing a 10 year old poodle that has been on Western herbs for Lung and Ciculation support and Heart repair from a guy in Australia. Have had to add benazapril and lasix since he developed an irregular, erratic rhythm, stopped eating much and was coughing. He is also on Blood's Palace, yet the arrhythmia is still just as bad. Ideas, other formulas? He prefers cool tile now, where before he was heat seeking. Very passive dog, but not fearful. Pulses are erratic due to the arrhythmia, tongue is dry and thin.
Thanks for your help!
by naturevet
May 30, 2009
Hi again,

Don't you ever sleep?

The information is a little sketchy to prescribe upon, but I'll give it a go.

Heat intolerance can be due to body-wide heat symptoms or just to heat in the upper burner. Heat in the upper burner would create a dry thin tongue as well. In this case, then, the erratic pulse would indicate Heart Fire, but in a deficient sort of way.

At the same time, the benefits of lasix imply a Damp draining influence is needed. Unless it's the hypotensive drug. But I'm betting the lasix had the most benefit, because I can tie it quite well to the Heart Fire. Basically, I'm wondering if the connection between the Heart and the Kidney has become weakened, leading to Heart Fire, and increased Damp (pathological Yin) in the lower burner. If this is the case, then a formula like Rehmannia Eight might allow the Heart and Kidneys to reintegrate. The earliest discussion of Rehmannia Eight was in reference to its ability to treat pulmonary edema. This might be even more powerful an effect if Gui Zhi is subbed for Rou Gui, or at least added in. Gui Zhi (Cinnamon twigs) promotes better peripheral circulation and the mobilization of edema. It was the original form of Cinnamon advocated for the formula. Given that the dog is on a hypotensive drug, to some extent, it is conferring that effect. But you could add it all the same.

Good luck and I hope I'm right!

by Michelle1
May 31, 2009
Thanks Steve!
I am looking forward to the days when my days are more uniform again- feels like in vet school again learning about herbs and starting up a new practice at the same time! :)
I REALLY appreciate your help and your prompt replies.
Would Mona be able to make the changes to the formula that you are talking about?
Take care, and I'll keep you posted on his case.
by naturevet
May 31, 2009
Hi Michelle,

Yes, Mona can make up the modification for you no problem

Good luck!

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