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King Charles With Polyarthritis
by rmtran - June 15, 2009

There is a 1 year old King Charles with polyarthritis.

I was consulted on the case if there is anything I can do. She came in with recumbency, and rDVM treated her with doxy with no response. Tick titers are all negative. An internist removed pus from elbow joint, and most of the joint except tarsus is affected and swollen, painful.

I saw this patient while it was under anesthesia, so tongue/pulse are not probably accurate. Her tongue was red, and her pulse was strong.

With this minimum data, would Qing Yin Tang be a best bet for this patient?

She started to vomiting while on doxy; they think that doxy affected her since her appetite was low and got meds in empty stomach.

I would be able to see her again today and get more info.

Thank you for your help!


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