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Schnauzer Hyperlipidemia
by dvmwilliams - June 24, 2009
Dear Dr Marden,

Sorry to keep inundating you with my schnauzer questions. I have another schnauzer (same household as my vomiting diabetic) that I have had on DGSYS for about 6 months for hyperlipidemia and borderline hypothyroid, who also had a lot of vomiting and pancreatitis episodes. She also has mitral insufficiency (not on any heart meds). I thought she was really improving over the last 6 months, but last time I saw her, she had some worrisome lung sounds so I sent her out for recheck chest rads and repeat blood panel. No word on chest rads, but I just got her panel, and her BUN and BUN/Crea ratio are now elevated (urine SG 1019) and triglycerides and lipase are markedly worse. Her cholesterol has also gone up and is at the high end of the lab's normal reference range. She's on Royal Canin low fat and gets EFA supplements. I was really surprised by this blood panel. Have I gone in a wrong direction here, or is there something else I should be doing?


Michelle Williams
by naturevet
June 24, 2009
Hi Michelle,

This is where active points, pulses and tongues can really help sort things out. Do you have any data on those?

If things seemed to be getting better and now they are not, then it may be that the formula has become too Dampening. Spleen deficiency is the root cause of Blood deficiency and Damp, which DGSYS both treat. Perhaps the Blood deficiency has resolved, leaving Spleen deficiency and Damp more prominent. If this was the case, Spleen points would be active and benefit the pulse. Given the Kidney involvement, San Ren Tang would be indicated, or perhaps Wei Ling Tang.

The other possibility, of course, is a Triple Burner obstruction, in which case the active points would be related to the GB and TB.

In both cases, the pulse is commonly wiry and a little deep.

Hope that gives you some ideas to check out.

by dvmwilliams
June 28, 2009
Thanks very much. I just saw her again, and the picture fits the TB obstruction best. What would you suggest from here?

by todd
June 28, 2009
Dear Michelle
Just to prevent confusion, this response is not from Steve. I posted a question on another schnauzer and saw yours and read it. I just wanted to say that if you want to get started before Steve returns, from what I have learned from Steve and applied in my practice, is that if you get a Pulse relaxation using TB or GB points then it indicates the meridian is obstructed by Dampness, and the herbal treatment is one of the formulas with Xiao Chai Hu Tang as the Base--or the entire formula alone. Another Formula which clears the Shao Yang obstruction is San Ren Tang...which Steve mentions above, and would fit if there is Kidney involvement. Hope that is helpful. Todd Metcalf

by naturevet
June 28, 2009
Hi Michelle,

As Todd mentioned, SRT and XCHT are my top choices. In this case, I'd think
about using them together. Qin Jiao can make the XCHT more potent in renal failure and has been added to it to make Benefit Hips and Knees by K'an.

Good luck!

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