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Bulldog Skin
by erb152 - June 28, 2009
Hi again Steve:)
I have a 9 month old English Bulldog with severe moist facial and neck pyoderma with 5 demodex per microscope field, resolving histiocytoma on neck, bilateral entropion (eyelids now tacked) with healed ulcer OS. Just wondering what your recommendation would be for him...
by naturevet
June 29, 2009
Hi there,

Definitely I'd start with a basic anti-Damp Heat approach and see what transpired. This means a low or no carb diet (e.g. commercial raw), and Si Miao San (Four Marvels Powder). This would be especially appropriate if the pulse was quite superficial. If the pulse was deep, I'd wonder about San Ren Tang (Three Seeds Combination).

That should be good for a start. You can make changes later once you see what happens. Often a Blood deficiency eventually appears, in which case we can look at adding Dang Gui to SMS, or using Xiao Yao San. But with that much Heat and Damp, I wouldn't start there yet.

Lastly, if the pulse is very deep and wiry, and the tongue a very dark red, I'd look at Qing Ying Tang (Clear the Nutritive) plus SMS. It clears Heat, dries Damp, and has been useful for us in some cases of severe Demodex.

Good luck!

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