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Nasal Bleeding In Cat.
by tommypops - June 30, 2009
cat has been to vets and had antibio.inj. + tablets. Not much improvement but very congested in nasal passages. Cat is obviously uncomfortable and in distress. ct scan and rhinoscopy advised by vet but is very expensive . Vet suspects
maybe a tumor. Please advise a.s.a.p. TOM
by naturevet
July 1, 2009
Hi there,

We've had success with Xue Fu Zhu Yu Tang used in conjunction with Xin Yi San. The latter is a Wind expelling formula that allows the invigoration of Qi and Blood once the pathogen is gone. I find a lot of nasal tumors need this formula to set the state for improvement. It seems to activate XZYT and make it work better.
This would be more likely to be beneficial if the Blood was dark. If the above works, the addition of Hoxsey will often improve things further.

If the Blood is bright red and somewhat profuse, and the cat showing general heat signs, then I would look at using Si Miao San. This has been effective as well in nasal bleeding due to confirmed neoplastic processes.

Hope one of these two protocols makes sense.

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