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New Patient
by lsargent - July 6, 2009
Good Evening,

I have recently initiated treatment on a 12 y/o m/n Manchester Terrier with severe ankylosing spondylosis of L6-S1; bilateral CP defificts on both rear limbs; lavender tongue body with pink edges (heart region?); slow, wide gentle pulses on both rear limbs but theright side disappears on deep level. When the dog moves his gait is stilted but ambulates okay, however when the owner makes him move quickly, his rear swings to the right side and he will stumble. He is also on a combination of herbs which I will list below as read from the written label, Dan Nan Xing, Chen Pi, BunXia, Fu Ling,Zhi Shi, Di Dianf, Goupon- called a hind leg formula. Could any of these herbs cause or exacerbate the signs that are being seen? Will increasing the circulation to the patient help this situation?
I needled the dog on the Bladder meridian primarily and the pet fell asleep until the owner made him run up the hallway. I did not check pulses after the needles because of how comfortable he appeared.
Thanks for your advice,
by naturevet
July 7, 2009
Hi Lois,

Given the age, involvement of the low back, benefit of the Bladder channel, purplish tongue, and worsening with exertion, I'd look at Kidney Qi or Yang deficiency as an option. Rehmannia Eight or You Gui Wan (Restore the Right Pill) are both options. The latter has Eucommia, which ostensibly improves nerve signal transmission as long as nerves remain myelinated. So perhaps You Gui Wan is especially indicated, but in practice I find the two formulas behave similarly, so if you only have Rehmannia Eight, I'd start there.

If it's wrong, it'll be more clear in the reaction to the formula what is actually needed.

Good luck!

by lsargent
July 7, 2009
Thank you so much, Steve,
Shouls he continue with the herbs he is currently taking?

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