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Homeopathic Dilutions Of Herbal Formulas
by sherebrin - July 23, 2009
I came across a reference to using chinese herbals at homeopathic dilutions for those pets that will not take herbs well orally, and I want to know the details on this. In particular, I am thinking of a patient of mine who has a large mid-abdominal mass, diagnosed on ultrasound as likely adenocarcinoma at the ileocecocolic junction. He did the "poison froth" hypersalivation when given Liu Jun Zi Tang (glycerite- Kan Essentials) for anorexia (he had eaten it mixed in food previously). Now I want to start him on Mod. Xue Fu Zhu Yu but the kitty is not eating well to begin with, so putting it into food is not a good idea. I suggested diluting it in hot water and cooling, then mixing with something yummy and dosing him- she will try this in the meantime. We know that we are likely in palliative care/hospice territory, but if we can move qi and blood I think the cat will feel better.
Rona Sherebrin
by naturevet
July 23, 2009
Hi Rona,

I never have as much faith in potentized formulas as regular ones in cancer cases, but for getting things started, they may help. I think the advice you gave the owner above is just as good if not better an approach. But, just so you know:
We take about a ml of herbal formula tincture and dilute it in 50 ml of spring water.
Then we succuss the formula by essentially bouncing the bottom off a resilient surface (a phone book works well) about a couple of hundred times.
The resultant blend should now be refrigerated, and succussed a further ten to fifteen times off the palm of the owners hand or a phone book before actually drawing the dose up to use it.
I would advise 0.5 ml TID. It can also be given in water and the cat's water replenished several times a day, if the cat is a good drinker. It even works in food (e.g. tuna juice).
The preparation will lose its power after a few weeks and need to be replenished.
While we use this approach with tinctures, Dr. Pamela Bouchard reports that the technique also works when you dissove a tsp or so of granular extracts in spring water and then succuss it. It won't entirely dissolve, but she feels the preparation still works well.

Good luck with your kitty!

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