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Anal Gland Adenocarcinoma
Hi Steve,

Following our conversation in Australia, I started my dog Bella on Xue Fu Zhu Yu Tang +, milk thistle and Hoxsey-like formula then, under light anaesthesia, I injected her anal-sac adenocarcinoma with Neoplascene-X. Her reaction was overwhelming and quite alarming.

Happily, with lots of nursing, tramadol from day 1 and NSAIDs from day 3, she's recovered wonderfully. The tumour has visibly reduced by a third to a half and defecating is no longer a problem. She's taking the herbs well mixed with her new meat and veg diet. I'm thrilled and we've certainly gained more excellent quality time for her.

I'll continue with intermittent blood tests to track her progress and will keep you posted.

by naturevet
March 1, 2009
Hi there,

Congratulations on your success thus far with Bella. What's Neoplastene? One of those blood root salves? Anyway, continued good luck!

March 4, 2009
Thanks Steve

Success still continuing and Bella's on her second bottle of Xue Fu Zhu Yu Tang +.

Neoplasene is a isoquinoline alkaloid used in the treatment and eradication of fast growing tissue. Active ingredient is bloodroot - Sanguinaria canadensis. Used in sarcoids, warts and by injection into neoplasms.

Terence Fox of Buck Mountain Botanicals California, at:

Neoplasene is used to good effect in Barb's practice, particularly by Anthony Chan and he was very helpful to me.

Look forward to catching up again - seems it will be in Singapore.

March 26, 2009
Hi Steve,

Just to update you...
Bella is the best she's been for 5 months - right back to being a healthy, happy, athletic and totally engaged dog! The anal-sac adenocarcinoma remains reduced - maybe to a third of previous (visibly anyway). I salute the power of herbs! Thanks to you and Barb.

by Lewter
January 4, 2018
I was going to ask a question re this case, and saw it was dated 2009. I understood this forum to have started later than that like just 4 years ago. Just wondering about that. Thanks, Marge
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