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Eosinophilic Gastroenteritis
by DrSusanP - July 28, 2009
Hi Steve,
Just a good news case that I thought should be recorded. A beautiful 3 year old Irish Wolfhound who travelled here by boat and bloated and torsed on arrival. The local vet performed a gastropexy and splenectomy and all was well until the next boat rip here when she dilated again, then had chronic diarrhoea. Exploratory lapaarotomy , gut biopsies revealed eosinophilic gastr enteritis. She was placed on hydrosylated dry food and pred 1 mg/kg bid. On presentation to me 3 weeks ago she was 37 kg, depressed, nd suffering 5 to 6 bouts liquid diarrhoea daily, no straining but occasional blood and mucus. Interestingly she had an old fx site ( plate removed, with callus medial radius/ulna))I gave her Ap to clear heat, support spleen and Huo Xiang zheng qi san. Today she was 41 kg, and such a happy dog with no diarrhoea and planning the next boat trip. My thoughts were to stay on the Huo Xiang Zheng qi san until signs of heat have gone and then Wei Ling tang to try and prevent future dilation events? How long doe this normally take? We have stayed with the hydrosylated food have tried chicken..ok, the dry food with the non hydrosylated carbs..caused 2 days diarrhoea, and beef and vege and barley home cooked..caused 1 day diarrhoea.
Kind regards
by naturevet
July 29, 2009
Hi Susan,

It's nice to hear some outcomes and good for newcomers to herbal medicine to see, so thanks for the update. Congratulations on your success, too!

Regarding GDV, I've always found the inciting cause is actually a problem with the Triple Burner's overarching regulatory role in ensuring Lung, Stomach, and Large Intestine Qi all move downward (caudally). Only once things are normal on this level do things work well in each of those individual 'pipes'. The main formula for this is Xiao Chai Hu Tang, and I would use it in addition to the HXZQS. You can always work your way up to a full dose over a few days and ensure it is well tolerated.

From a conventional perpsective, the formula you're using is resolving the inflammation byh promoting an improved mucosal blood flow, which helps to remove free radicals and provide nutrients and cells that heal the tissue. XCHT will support those efforts and possesses a similar hemodynamic effect. It also is a smooth muscle and peristalsis regulator, preventing segmental spasms and promoting normal aboral movement, so it should give you the effect you're looking for. It's also calming, given its content of Scutellaria, so that should help on the boat ride.

Long term, as you suggested, Wei Ling Tang often maintains these cases, plus or minus the occasional use of XCHT (usually minus). But no rush to get there as long as HXZQS has eradicated the IBD symptoms.

Congratulations once again on your success!

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