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Horse With Chronic Upper Respiratory Stridor
by landauvet - August 1, 2009
Hi Steve,
I have been treating a horse for a chronic respiratory issue consisting of slight inspiratory stridor, intermittent cough and nasal discharge. She had been scoped two months ago and all that was seen was mucus coming up from the trachea.
She originally was exercise intolerant. She had been treated with a few different courses of antibiotics. Presently her energy is good although she will have a whitish bilateral nasal discharge, intermittent cough with exercise, and a noise that can be heard when standing at rest during inspiration. It is a quiet noise and dose not seem to bother her although it is not normal to hear any inspiratory turbulence.
This horse has a mild fungal rash. Thin, easily compressible pulses. Tongue looks normal to me. BL 13-15 R side are warm and reactive to pressure. Bilateral Bl 54 reactivity.
I consider her to be blood deficient with stasis. I have treated her in the past with Jing Tang formulas Bu Fe San (Lu Qi Def) Huey's Formula (infection and stasis). Mare a
has been off herbs a little while and is stable but not getting all the way better. Blood def seems key but I am not sure what to try next.
Kevin Landau
by naturevet
August 1, 2009
Hi Kevin,

I look at this case and see Damp. Fungi tend to grow on 'Damp' animals. The excess secretions are also a clear sign of Damp, as is the intolerance of moistening Lung herbs.

The first thing I'd try here is San Ren Tang (Three Seeds Decoction), which is famous for its ability to dry and decongest the mucosa of the upper respiratory tract and pharyngeal regions.

Hope that helps,

by naturevet
August 1, 2009
Hi Kevin,

I look at this case and see Damp. Fungi tend to grow on 'Damp' animals. The excess secretions are also a clear sign of Damp, as is the intolerance of moistening Lung herbs.

The first thing I'd try here is San Ren Tang (Three Seeds Decoction), which is famous for its ability to dry and decongest the mucosa of the upper respiratory tract and pharyngeal regions.

Hope that helps,

by Nate Heilman
August 2, 2009

I have been treating a very similar case in a horse belonging to my receptionist. The horse that I'm treating perhaps has more Heat than your case, as the discharge is slightly yellow.

This horse responded well to Si Miao San with some ingredients for Lung Phlegm; a 50% reduction in nasal discharge was found after a week on the herbs. Interestingly, very similar active points to yours. But perhaps what helped more was bleeding of some active ting points. In this case, the heart ting points were cleared with a quick insertion of a 20 g needle. It was apparent that the treatment was very relaxing, and the horse's nose cleared within 3 days. Just a thought. I don't have a ton of equine patients(well combined, they probably weigh a ton or so) but I find the ting point therapy to be helpful in the few that I do treat.

Nate Heilman
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