Question Details
Vomiting Dog
by rmtran - August 3, 2009
Hi Steve,

This is a case that I brought for the herbal course and was doing well until this week.

5 years old MC Dalmatian with dog aggression and bile vomiting.

He was on Chai Hu Jia Long Gu Mu Li Tang for the past 2.5 months and doing well.

He started to have some loose stool (soft, not diarrhea) so I told her to discontinue the herbal remedy on Sunday. I thought that this formula is getting too strong (cold) for his stomach. He was otherwise doing well (good appetite and attitude). Today, he vomited large amount of bile on his bed while he was lying down. The client noticed that his tongue color was pinkish purple (used to be nice pink about 2 weeks ago).

I now think that CHJLGMLT was helping him. His stool is still loose (once or twice daily, with light brown to orangish color) although he has been on bland diet. His appetite continued to be fine, but he is lounging around today.

From his history of gastric perforation with one dose of Deramaxx (2 years ago), pica (obsessed with dirt or other non-food material), I think that he has stomach heat. Assuming that I will use CHJLGMLT again, how can I handle his loose stool?

I think that he may need some damp draining herbal formula since the weather in VA is hot and humid lately. How can I modify CHJLGMLT? I checked Formla and Strategies (Bensky) but could not find a good modification.


PS. I have a Yellow Emperor's Classic of Internal Medicine (Veith) but it does not have the chapter that you mentioned about (Ch 49)at the class. Are you reading the originals? I looked into some Japanese translations and it seems to have the all 81 chapters there. I would probably get them since it is easier for me to understand metaphors. R-
by naturevet
August 3, 2009
Hi Rieko,

I'd probably go back to CHJLGMLT and use just a lower dose. The diarrhea should be dose-dependent. You can also add some Cang Zhu or Bai Zhu (Bai Zhu is probably better) to protect the Spleen better. You can also add some Wu Wei Zi as well or instead. Of either herb, use about 12 grams per 100g of base formula.

Good luck and happy reading.

by naturevet
August 3, 2009
By the way, the chapter on Wei Conditions is chapter 44, not 49. My mistake.

by rmtran
August 4, 2009
Thanks, Steve!
by rmtran
August 7, 2009
Hi Steve,
Bad news. This dog started to have blow out diarrhea with the dosage that was half of what he used to be (1/4 tsp BID).

Did I miss something? She is near my house and good client of mine, so I may visit and take a peak at his tongue and pulse...

by naturevet
August 7, 2009
A thorough work up appears essential here. Let me know what you find.

by rmtran
August 14, 2009
Hi Steve,

I saw this dog and placed him on Shan Xia Liu Jun (JT product: Bai Shao Yao, Bo He, Chai Hu, Chen Pi, Dang Gui, Gan Cao, Mu Dan Pi, Qing Pi, Xian Gu Zi, Zhi Zi in order) for his vomiting issue with SP Qi Deficiency that I thought at that time.

I heard from the client today that this patient does not like the herbal formula (it is very unusual to refuse food for him).

She got some in, but not much. He has been on omeprazole for vomiting, which is working. His stool continues to be loose (no form, but not watery).

The last visit (1 wk ago), I found:

Tongue-pinkish purple
Pulse- wiry

Draining of BL-18 improved his pulse and became less wiry, and he had heat radiation at BL-20.

I needled at GV-14/20, BL-18/20, ST-36. No pulse change with quick check at BL-40.

The client has been noticing that he started to dream more (he usually is a light sleeper) since he is off of CHJLGMLT.

He prefers cool, soft surface. No change in water intake, no change in urine color or odor, his appetite is fine if she does not mix SXLJ.

As I type here, I started to think that there is Liver Qi stagnation that may be over acting Spleen, even if the client and the trainer do not think that there is any stressful condition that they can think of.

I am wondering if I should start Xiao Yao San to see if he is going to feel better.

His dog aggression has been well controlled with previous treatment, but the client started to see signs of hyperactivity today. Would this be addressed by XYS only? I do not think that he is particularly hot dog, but is JWXYS better for him?

Thank you for your imput!


by rmtran
August 14, 2009
Mistake on herbal contents.

It contains following:
Bai Zhu, Ban Xia, Chen Pi, Da Zao, Dang Shen, Fu Ling, Gan Cao, Gan Jiang, Mu Xiang, Sha Ren in order.

Sorry for the misinformation.

by naturevet
August 15, 2009
Hi Rieko,

Yes, I agree, it seems right now that the dog has a Wood Earth imbalance (Liver overacting on the Spleen). Xiao Yao San is a good formula for that. Don't use anything fancy, though, like the special one you get from JT. Just basic XYS to avoid problems. The JT one you described will cause more diarrhea for sure.

Good luck!

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