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Stress Colitis
by clarkrd - August 5, 2009
Hi Steve,
I was at your mini course in Denver and IVAS acupunture. I work with a boarding facility and was wondering if you had a suggestion of a homeopathic or herbal to help dogs and cats with stress colitis. I am trying to help without having to give meds that require full exams or that may interfere with other meds. I know this is a broad request, but open to suggestions. I was even wondering about a product like Kan Traditionals "Curin Formula"
Thanks for your time,
Thom A. Smith, DVM
by naturevet
August 5, 2009
Hi Thom,

My first thought for anxiety associated with or leading to colitis is Arsenicum album, a homeopathic. You could just use it prophylactically in susceptible animals, putting them on it as soon as they come in. It's easy to track down at health food stores and such. I'd go with 30C once or twice daily.

The other option is Chamomile and Dioscorea, a tincture we sell, which is often dramatic in its relief of pain and distress, as well as effective in prevention. It is calming, anti-inflammatory, and anti-spasmodic. You could just go with a low dose for prophylactic use, 0.2 ml per 5 lbs dd BID. I don't have any experience with the K'an product you mentioned, sorry, but one of these two (or both) should help, without interfering with any other meds the animals come in on.

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