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Apocrine Adenocarcinomma In A Cat
by drsusie - August 6, 2009
Hi Steve,
I removed an apocrine adenocarcinoma in the axilla of a cat and started him on Xue Fu Zu Yu Tang, but the mass is still coming back with a vengance. Any suggestions? The owner's do not wish to persue further sx or chemo.
Thanks, Susie
by naturevet
August 7, 2009
Hi Susie,

There are a lot of options here. For example, the axilla is commonly affected by Damp Heat lesions. These typically act 'with a vengeance' and have an inflammatory nature.

Xian Fang Huo Ming Yin is good for lesions close to/on the mammary chain.

Do you have any further information on this cat -tongue, pulse, active points, previous health history, gross appearance of the tumor (including what was seen intra-operatively)?

This kind of information can help a lot, as this is an unusual kind of tumor that is therefore hard to make generalizations about.

by drsusie
August 13, 2009
Hi Steve,
The mass was whitish in colour and lobulated. The local lymph node was full of it as well. The cat's pulses are wiry and somewhat superficial, very thin. His tongue is dark pink with normal margins and BL 21,23 and 25 are warm. I did not needle them, so I not sure if they would improve his pulse or not. Thanks again!
by naturevet
August 13, 2009
Hi Susie,

That lesion appearance, pulse and tongue match the general notion of Phlegm and Blood stasis, both of which XFHMY treats. Given the LN involvement, I'd try it. Adding Tan Yu Tang is an option, too, if results are partial but incomplete.

Good luck!

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