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I have a 9 yr old black lab 3 months out from splenectomy with 1st treatment with adriamycin. Dog has red wet tongue, pulses are superficial, slippery non extinquishable, and forceful. History of Blastomycosis and Erhlichia years ago, one year of slowly progressive laryngeal paralysis and bark change, severe spondylosis (although doing very well mobility). On his second visit to oncology we picked up 1 VPC (they will be doing echo) and also does not have two distinct heart sounds. Current lungs are harsh,anxious, post chemo febrile episode antibiotic responsive. Owners want to add alt med to treatment; started vit A, diet, Yunnan...considering Bilberry (mentioned in lectures), but not sure of Dang Gui Shao Yao with this presentation. I always have a difficult time with these patients as they have the chemo effects already on board and its effect on TCM examination/picture...

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