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Behavior-dog Aggression
by rmtran - August 14, 2009
Hi Steve,

I have another one with behavioral problem.

A 12 year old FS German Shorthair pointer came to see me with aggression towards house mates.

She was a sweet dog per the client until 6 months ago. She started to show aggression towards all of her dogs, not only her rescues.

Hx of right stifle DJD, and on Tramadol 100mg BID, Metacam full dose SID. Also placed on 0.6mg thyroid supplement BID for 2 months after dx of hypothyroidism (based on T4/fT4).

She started to pant more, white stringy discharge from vulva (I have not seen during the exam, but the client noticed) are the new findings for the past 2-3 weeks.

The client does not think that the patient's aggression has changed since thyroid supplement was started.

Pulse-forceful, felt turbulance with mild compression.


The pulse improved with BL-18 (Sedate).

I placed this patient on modified Xiao Yao San (sorry, JT again) that has Bai Shao Yao, Bo He, Chai Hu, Chen Pi, Dang Gui, Can Cao, Mu Dan Pi, Qing Pi, Ziang Fu Zi, Zhi Zi).

After 1/2 tsp BID (75 lbs dog) for 3 days, she started to drink a lot and vomited a large amount. Then she started to eat a lot of grass, then developed diarrhea.

I thought that Liver Qi was stagnant to cause all the aggression, and soothing it would help to clear heat...

Would I have had a better response, Had I clear Heat first? Or, this is a manifestation of her hidden deficiency like SP Qi Def?

If I were to try next, I would use LDXGT and SMS combination at a lower dosage to see if it helps. What do you think?

Thank you as always,

by ericahawker
August 15, 2009
With the thyroid supplementation coinciding with the onset of aggression, I would also recommend rechecking her thyroid panel. Maybe she is not truly hypothyroid, and some other illness is causing the low t4 and supplementation is contributing to aggression?

I send all of my thyroids to Michigan State, because the endocrinologist will interpret it and they check all of the thyroid levels (FT4, T4, TSH, and Thryoid autoantibodies).

Good luck-
by rmtran
August 15, 2009
Thank you Erica.

The client does not think that the patient's behavior has changed after placing on supplements.

I also think that the thyroid panel is useful, so I suggested the client to talk with rDVM about it.

I will keep you posted.

by naturevet
August 15, 2009
Hi Rieko,

Not in Japan, yet? When do you leave?

Regarding your case, Xiao Yao San (even the JT version) is tonifying and dispersing. The pulse suggests the dog is suffering from an excess. In this instance, we would expect the dog to have side effects on XYS, or any other tonifying formula, or formula that moves BLood outwards (where it is already). At least that is my guess on what happened here.

If I'm right, your planned use of LDXGT and SMS will be beneficial, since it has the exact opposite effect of the formula you were using.

Regarding a western explanation for the aggression, I would wonder if the dog's discomfort is escalating. If so, I have seen elderly dogs suddenly snap at any and all others, in order to avoid being jarred or bumped. If this is the case, even a formula like Hoxsey and Bonset might be helpful here.

If the animal is a little better on this protocol, a raw or home-cooked grain-free diet is sure to aid, by reducing Damp Heat, and pain from inflammation.

Hope that helps!

by rmtran
August 18, 2009
Hi Steve,

Bad thing happened again for this dog...

The client called this am and stated that the patient did exact same thing with LDXGT.

She did not introduct SMS yet, but she gave a trial amount (1/8) of dose with food, and the dog immediately went outside and eating tons of grass, then vomited.

Her stool is normal, and the amount of stool is less since she started to replace some kibble with turkey EVO.

The only herbs that are common in those two formulas are: Chai Hu, Zhi Zi and Can Cao. Among there thee, Chai Hu appears to be somewhat responsible (gut feeling).

I am not sure if she is just sensitive to anything, or I am completely off track.

She is so aggressive to other dogs that the client has taken her out alone, or with harness so that she can control the situation better.

What else can it be? If she is Heart Yin Deficient, Tian Wan Bu Xin Dan or Gan Mai Da Zao might be a help...

My thoughts are all over and I feel that I need to see this dog soon for recheck. Any idea?

Thanks for your advise!

by naturevet
August 18, 2009
The Chai Hu in LDXGT is present in very low amounts, so I'm not sure how much of an aggravating effect it has.

At this point, I would bring the dog back and check my pulse and points again.

If you still see a benefit of sedating BL 18, then you may need a Blood moving formula.

In general, though, it seems we should start with another organ or just something generic. Perhaps Kava to relieve anxiety.

Lastly, homeopathic Sepia can be helpful for aggression of a Liver Qi stagnation nature. I'd look into that, too.

by rmtran
June 13, 2010
Hi Steve,

This dog underwent an episode of Vestibular disease early in Spring, followed by multiple episodes of passing out (syncope). MRI and spinal tap ruled out any infectious or malignant cause; they concluded vasovagal response. Her syncope is triggered by any excitements.

I have not seen this patient, but she is a good client of internal medicine. If there is any herbal recommendation, she may want to try one.

Would you think that above homeopathic formulas would be still useful in this patient?


by naturevet
June 13, 2010
Hi Rieko,

Vertigo in spring in an aggressive dog certainly sounds like Liver Wind to me. I'd try Tian Ma Gou Teng Yin.

by rmtran
August 20, 2010
Hi Steve,

I have not seen this patient for a while, but the client reports that the patient had not have any passing out since she has been on TMGTY. Still aggressive towards other dog, but the client is happy about the result.


by naturevet
August 22, 2010
Excellent! Thanks for the update...

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