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Aging Husky
by erb152 - August 16, 2009
Hi there, I have a 13.5yr old FS husky with progressive hearing loss, developing cataracts, recurrent cystitis, progressive hind end weakness(very slow to rise, hindlimbs splay apart, trouble going down stairs as well...hip and elbow rads show no sign of OA) She tends to prefer cool areas and has always been a picky eater. Owner is keen to start herbs and accupuncture. Suggestions for herbs?
by naturevet
August 16, 2009
Hi there,

I'm betting a chiropractic evaluation, some acupuncture, and a diet change away from kibble to a non-starchy home-made diet would help tremendously, given enough time.

Does the cystitis have symptoms? Or is the dog incontinent?

by erb152
August 16, 2009
When she has had cystitis in the past (two or three seperate occasions) it has been bacterial with typical stranguria. No incontinence. What do you suggest for balancing a diet at home? Thanks!
by naturevet
August 17, 2009
Then my first thought is to try San Ren Tang (Three Seeds Decoction). It is one of my favorites for inappetance in dogs, iguanas, cats, etc...

It should also reduce the tendency to cystitis. It can even reduce low back pain (lumbo-sacral region), especially where due to nerve root compression from disk disease.

For diets, I favor the 'Paleolithic Diet' from the Manual of Natural Veterinary Medicine, if you have that book (Mosby, 2003).

Good luck!

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