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Arthritis In Lab
by rmtran - August 18, 2009
Hi Steve,

There is a 10.5 years old lab with several issues.

I have been treating this patient with acupuncture and herbs for his arthritis. He has responded initially, but it not so well recently.

He also has a history of proteinuria of 1 year duration. It was worked up at IMED; he had bilateral adrenomegaly, and testicular tumors. They thought that his elbows were also stiff. They suspected early Cushing's or Estrogen producing tumor in testicles.

The chief complaint is right hind rear weakness. In my examination, he was stiffer on both of the CF joints.

He has been drinking more water and urinating more, and he started to be more hungry. He also is obsessed about chewing leashes.

Their food has been changed gradually; still getting kibbles, but not k/d, and more home cooked diet included.

His pulse today was very deep, his tonguewas reddish pink. No perticular active points; BL-18/19/40 did not change its quality much.

I would think that he needs Chai Hu- like action to bring the pulse up. But the formula do not seem to cool the patient. Should I go to QYT before even trying XCHT?

This patient also have sign of some dampness such as otitis in occasion and cutaneous masses. If his pulse were superficial, XFHMY would be the best fit, I think.

The more I think, the more answers I get...Please let me know what you think.


by naturevet
August 17, 2009
Hi Rieko,

XCHT is, in fact, a cooling formula. Bupleurum cools and releases the exterior; Scutellaria cools the upper burner. So it is fine to try. There are more cooling versions of it of course, but it won't aggravate a warm patient.

I also think of Si Miao San for this dog. The common link for the testicular and adrenal enlargements might be the pituitary gland. If there is a functional tumor there, SMS can be quite effective at resolving them. It doesn't fit the deep pulse, and would need something added to help bring the blood flow to the periphery to address the hips. Dang Gui could possibly help with that, and is a source of phytoestrogens that could also perhaps balance endocrine causes of testicular enlargement.

Those are the first two ideas I think of. Hopefully one will work. If you see the dog again, needle GB 34. If the pulse improves, then go with XCHT.

All the best!

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