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Constipation In DSH
by doris - August 21, 2009
Hi Steve,

I have been treating this neutered female DSH since young.. It has a complain of tenemus and constipation for 3 years. It was treated with conventional medicine including cisaprid, lactulose ,IV fluid and enema for several occasions. The problem was worse after the cat had an episode of pyothorax, althought it was recovered uneventfully. The cat seldom drinks water and was over weight before the incident of pyothorax but it lost quite a bit of body weight because of this serious sickness

After the incident of pyothorax, I treated it with convention medicine as before, together with acupuncture, mainly to tonify the Lung Qi and nourish the Blood as I thought the constipation was caused by Qi and Blood deficiency .( injuired Lung Qi due to pyothorax and the cat had dry scales all over the body and the stools were hard and dry).

The points I used were LI 4 LU 7 LU 9 ST 36 SP 6 BL 13 BL 17 BL 20 BL 25. I then changed the treatment to tonify Qi, nourish Blood and enhance peristaltic movement of the Large Intestine with the following points 2 months later : LI 4 ST 25 ST 28 ST 29 ST 36 CV 4 CV 6 CV 17 BL 17 BL 25. The cat responded very well and I also gave it some Lingzhi supplement. The cat was no longer on cisaprid and lactulose but maintained on canned food. It was treated with acupuncture twice monthly and was well for another year.

However, the owner moved her house and could not bring the cat for acupuncture for nearly 9 months. She put the cat back on cisaprid and lactulose intermittently but the constipation was worse with time.

The cat came back to see me last week. At the moment, it has normal body condition. It has very good appetite and is on Whiskas canned food only as the constipation is worse with dry food. Physical examination of the cat showed pale (may be slightly purple) and slightly fat tongue, its pulse was very deep and weak that was hard to feel. No sensitive BackShu points found. It has very bad breath, even after dental scaling. It seeks warm and has no thirst. It is straining to defecate and the stool is hard but in normal size. I think this cat is deficient in Qi and Blood.

Do you think Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tang will be helping in this case?
Thank you for your advice.

by naturevet
August 23, 2009
Hi Doris,

I would consider BZYQT, but also San Ren Tang. The latter has a Triple Burner opening effect, which your case has shown to be relevant given the past history of pyothorax. Fluid accumulation in the chest is a sign this Triple Burner 'pipe' has been clogged, causing Fluids to accumulate in the upper body instead of descending to the Bladder. Its even possible that using Xiao Chai Hu Tang and San Ren Tang together would yield even better results, since XCHT also treats constipation and has that immune stimulating effect you were looking for in the Lingzhi.

The only problem I can see with BZYQT is that it raises Qi to the upper burner, whereas SRT drains it. Given the past history of upper burner excess, that might be a problem, but maybe not.

Lastly, you can always get things going as well with a small amount of Cascara Combination. The Friskies should be able to hide the taste of just about anything, including that, and it is powerful at getting that 'stuckness' moving, even in megacolon cases.

Nice work on you write up. Hopefully it will have led to some good advice from me.

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