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I have just diagnosed my "brother" Scruffy with lymphoma. I had previously consulted with you on his behalf (see below), and he has been doing fairly well on Reh 6, Sasha's Blend, and periodic chiro care.
I have started him on a low-carb, homecooked diet, high doses of Omega-3, and we are looking to get him started on Chemo.
Interestingly, he started to develop a reddish-brown coat in the fall, just after having surgery to remove a meibomian mass from his eyelid.
When I saw him last week, his coat was VERY discoloured (I'm assuming this is a sign of heat), the only real change in his physical exam other than lymphadenopathy. His tongue is red (esp at the tip) and thin, appeared damp, and had minimal coating. His pulses were fast, deep, wiry, and thin.
Appet and drinking are normal.

Previously: Suspected Liv and Kid Yin deficiency (PE shaking hind legs, preference for cool spots, weak pulses, hx of ACL x2)
Any thoughts here (other than the typical Damp Heat protocol?)

Thanks for any input you can offer,
by naturevet
January 25, 2009
I'm on Australia with access to the internet only through a blackberry. So my reply will have to be on the short side.

For your dog, sorry to hear the news. We've had such good luck with Si Miao San plus Hoxsey that it's the first place I'd start. Vitamin A and D, too, by mouth weekly.
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