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Kitty Digestive Issues
by landauvet - August 27, 2009
Hi Steve,

I have a cat client with two cats that I have been seeing for the last 6 months for digestive problems. Both started out with diarrhea of the large intestinal variety (blood, mucus and straining). They would also intermittently eat wood.

Acupuncture and herbs (WLT) plus a diet change helped these cats immensely. However, the owners are concerned that since the diarrhea stopped and they are doing better, the cats have tended towards yellow, powdery stools and constipation. A few times they have stopped pooping for a few days at a time with straining to poop when they do go to the litter box.
Both cats have been on WLT and more recently SRT. These cats are otherwise young and healthy. What are your thoughts about the color and nature of this cat scat!

Kevin Landau
by naturevet
August 27, 2009
Hi Kevin,

Any chance the diet is creating the stools?

If they no longer have diarrhea, they can try stopping the herbs and see if that helps. I haven't seen either formula tend to produce constipation, but if they're normal anyway, it's worth a try.

Something oil-based in the food may help - e.g. sardines? Flax oil?

Thoe are my thoughts. No particular TCM diagnosis is implied, though.

Good luck,

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