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Fracture Digit In A Dog
by Lisa - January 13, 2015    View Case Report
Hi there! First time in the new forum (was in the old one til it moved). So glad you're still here for all of us! Anyway, I have a 5 month old D. Pinscher puppy intact male that unfortunitely broke one of his front toe by traumatic injury about 1 month ago: Saiter-Harris type II fracture of left second digit with medial displacement of distal P2 fragment. Pet has been seeing rehaber and consulted with vet surgeon - who have been treating pet with bandage/splint, laser, and ultrasound sessions as well as PT for the secondary muscle atrophy that has resulted from the splint. Now, bandage and splint has created a little pressure sore, but otherwise pet has been very healthy up to this point. Owner has inquired about herbal therapy to help heal this bone in this young large breed dog, and I've tried to research an option for her . . . only to come up with Fractura Pulvis (gu zhe cuo shang san) but cannot find a company where I can buy it and don't know if that would be my best choice. Thanks kindly for any input!

Sincerely, Lisa.
by naturevet
January 20, 2015
Hi Lisa,

I find Symphytum works really well to accelerate fracture healing. Since you're in the US, you'll have to use the homeopathic version, but it still seems to do the trick. Have the owner go to a Whole Foods and pick it ups. Use 30C strength and give two or three times a day.

I've also found, if the bone seems inflamed, that Boneset (Eupatorium perfoliatum) will help a lot. That may have to be sourced as a single herb, but Whole Foods may have it, too. I'd give at least 1/4 tsp BID

Hope that helps,

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