Question Details
by marneemadsen - August 28, 2009
HI Steve, et al,

Parker, 10 yr MN Weimeraner with radial, low-grade OSA confirmed via biopsy.

First visit 8/6/09:
T = pale, lavendar, moist
P = superficial, wiry
Active Pts = BL18, BL20S, but best change to pulse with GB34S, GB29S. GB channel felt hot.

Other hx consistent with damp - loose stool, lipomas, decreased heat tolerance. On raw/whole food diet for years.

Started SMS, Hoxsey and Boneset (was already on board), Vit A, and did XCHT+YJ because of pts. Second OSA case with active GB pts and wondering if just related to mass affecting the TH channel? Blood moving effects of GB34? Any other thoughts? XCHT doesn't really fit pulse, but is it ok for the anti-barring effect, or does that not apply to a hotter, Yang mass?

Over next couple of weeks, lots of activity at tumor site with swelling, lymphedema down to foot, heat, occasional mild fever. Dog feels fabulous overall.

2nd visit 8/29/09(he saw other holisitic practioner in between who started XFZYT poultice and orally which helped with edema):

T = more pink, still lavendar, moist

P = Deep, wiry, slightly slippery

Active Pts: BL19S, GB34S, BL18S, BL24

Still feeling really good. Feels warm, leg and mass hot. Fluid-filled swelling over initial tumor/biopsy site. FNA very cellular: neuts, lymphocytes and maybe basophils? Lots of blue staining granular debris (review pending). Started second round of Silicea 30 C, as first 2-3 doses seemed to produce good immune response/swelling.

Decreased XCHT+YJ to just at night and added E Zhu and San Leng to XFZYT. Looked at aspirate after dispensed herbs....should we switch to XFHMY?

Thoughts on the XHCT?

Thanks much,

by naturevet
August 29, 2009
Hi Marnee,

I'm sure the GB points are significant. I've seen them myself in OSA cases. I've used XCHT also, with modest success. Given all the heat signs, I'd look at Chai Hu Jia Long Gu Mu Li Tang, Chai Ge Jie Ji Tang, or even Qing Ying Tang. Don't forget topical DMSO for the tumor, although I think the owner is doing this already, right?

I've never tried XFHMY, but the idea is intriguing. I've used it successfully in hot swollen limbs in human cancer patients with success, and would probably give it a try.

by marneemadsen
August 31, 2009
Hey Steve,
I got the path report and they noted spindle cell proliferation and pleomorphism, probable necrotic spindle cell tumor with not a lot of inflammation (though I did see some). Comments were that spindle cell proliferation and atypia may manifest in response to inflammatiion, trauma, wound healing, other causes of fibroplasia. I did not give them much on hx as to get an unbiased opinion. Is this scenario favorable for him? I felt like the body was reacting to the mass pretty strongly once we started and he feels great, even bearing weight on his gigantic paw. We did 3 more doses of silica and it does seem to increase the swelling, but thoughts?
We traded XFZYT for the XFHMY based on the heat and swelling, but let me know if you think I should change directions. I did think about CHJLGMLT, but did not know if it would have as much limb/upper burner affinity.

Thanks again -
by marneemadsen
August 31, 2009
To clarify: started XFHMY in place of the XFZYT last night.
by naturevet
August 31, 2009
Hi Marnee,

I agree that the path report could be interpreted favorably. I like to see necrosis rather than neoplasia in an osteosarcoma that we're trying to address holistically. That's how I've got rid of them before at times - by inducing necrosis.

The pain and swelling makes me wonder if we should use something else instead, since Silicea is more indicated in painless abscesses. Mercurius is probably the best bet. It covers this syphilitic destructive type of pathology and is one of the few remedies for inflammation within the bone itself.

Let’s try the dog on Mercurius solubilis 30C given once to twice daily, still watching for drainage as a possible resolution of that lesion. Meanwhile, we’ll keep going with the XFHMY and the Hoxsey at a bare minimum, and the XCHT. For some synovial cell carcinomas with bone destruction, we’ve achieved permanent remission (apparently) with Xiao Chai Hu Tang mixed with Si Wu Tang, so there is a precedent for it being applied to nasty destructive bone lesions.

Good luck! Interesting case!

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