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Acute Cervical Disc In Mastiff
by landauvet - September 2, 2009
Hi Steve,

I am trying to distinguish between two formulas to treat a patient of mine that I can not see in person.
The patient is a 200 lb 8 year old mc mastiff who has had a lifetime of orthopedic pain mostly pertaining to hips and elbows. Historically, he has had a lot of stasis and damp heat. Swollen red purple tongue, deep pulses. A lot of damp heat to skin, excessive dander and shedding.
Last week, this dog started exhibiting sign of an acute cervical disk. Cries out in pain with any movement of the head. Biting everyone who comes near when in pain. Some ataxia to HLs.
He is being treated unsuccessfully for Lyme. I advised the owner to get the dog on prednisone ASAP and I would send something out to him.

Gui Zhi Tang

XCHT plus GZ and BAi Shao

These are the two formulas which come to mind.

Since the antibiotic treatment, this dog has developed a very poor appetite, so there will be some challenges with giving herbs. I have a one formula opportunity here I think.

Thanks ahead of time.
Kevin Landau
by naturevet
September 3, 2009
Hi Kevin,

In a hot dog with severe neck pain, I think first of Chai Ge Jie Ji Tang (Bupleurum and Kudzu), which Mona should have in liquid or even tablet form.

If the dog is that hot, Gui Zhi Tang (Cinnamon Decoction) could make things more inflammed.

CHGZT is more cooling, but is still more suited to a chillier animal. Of the two you're thinking of, it's the best. Of all three, I'd go with CGJJT.

Good luck!

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