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IBD In A Dog
by Dreudog - January 16, 2017    View Case Report
Hi Steve and group,

I saw this dog 12/7 (just getting around to posting!). His IBD is under decent control w/ Budesonide, Metronidazole, Bu zhong yi qi tang 2 tabs BID. But I'm wondering if he can be any better - he needs the Metronidazole pretty regularly to keep softer, mucous stools at bay.

See details under case plz.


Cathy L.
by naturevet
January 23, 2017
Hi Cathy

For any dog requiring sustained use of metronidazole (a bitter, cold, drying influence) and corticosteroids, I always wonder whether Si Miao San could do the job instead. Additionally, it supports the Spleen to lessen the regurgitation tendencies and promote assimilation

For now, you could try it in small doses with the BZYQT, and see what happens. If there are any residual symptoms the drugs aren't getting, and they improve on the SMS, then you have exceeded what the drugs can do with the herbs, and the way is clear to try to reduce the dependencies on the drug

Another thought is a probiotic. Apart from the steroids, BZYQT and metronidazole form a good pair to manage IBS. If they are doing the heavy lifting relative to the budesonide (i.e. he has been okay when they ran out of budesonide), then you may be dealing with IBS. Studies in humans show it as indistinguishable from IBD in some cases, and as likely being due to dysbiosis. Probiotics form a third prong in the treatment of IBS, the other two being immune support (via BZYQT) and antimicrobial control (via metronidazole).

Hope that helps you out

by Dreudog
January 24, 2017
Thanks, Steve.

He does take probiotic regularly, and I have owners switch varieties every few months - usually ~ 10 billion CFU/day for a big dog. Currently he is taking Primal Defense from Garden of life.

SMS; we used back in 2013, and he had some softer (than usual) stools. But as he has been prone to intermittent soft stools anyway, we'll start slow and give it another try. If he has softer stools again, maybe we can try in summer (cold here now).

I'll keep you posted,

by naturevet
January 24, 2017
If it's too cooling, then I guess try something like Wei Ling Tang instead

As drugs are withdrawn, SMS may end up being appropriate, as a balanced 'Spleen warming, Heat clearing treatment". You can possibly create that in the interim with Wei Ling Tang and the drugs you're using

by Dreudog
March 10, 2019
Gus Gus was requiring steady use of Metronidazole to control GI signs, even on SMS. As he was showing some yin def signs fall of 2018, we stopped SMS.(no worsening of GI signs).
rDVM vaccinated DHPP Dec. 2018 (grrr.....) , and Gus Gus had a fairly major IBD flare 9 days later, requiring hospitalization. Echo at that time showed liver enlargement, biliary sludge. He is stable, but has difficulty keeping on weight, pulse runs thinner, sl. dry tongue. Diet is mostly home cooked, but the owner gives a little dry food to keep weight on. He makes ~ 5 sl. soft stools per day, normally hungry unless flareup. He continues to take Budesonide 2 mg/day.

So, when avoiding insults such as vaccination, he is fairly stable. But I'm wondering if he can do better, maybe reduce his meds. Do we have to address vaccinosis now? Herb suggestions for his IBD?



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