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Severe Heat In A Dog
by Cbecker - February 28, 2022    View Case Report
Hello, I have an 11 yo, MN, JRT Mix with severe pruritus and red, red skin. Although O's main concern is weakness and pain in the rear end. He is a Wood personality at home and a Heart personality at the clinic. His tongue is red, and his pulses are thin, strong and medium depth. He is hot, hot, hot. There are no skin lesions, but he chews his feet incessantly and he does have a mild malodor to his skin, esp feet. O reports his pruritus was Sept to Jan, but now is all year around. He was HBC when young and nothing was broken, but was knocked out. He walks with a stilted gait and mildly roached up in the mid-back area. Pain in the L-S region of his spine and hips were noted, no other boney changes apparent on PE. Still waiting to review X-rays from rDVM. We are currently changing him to an unprocessed diet.

I am calling him KID Yin/LIV Yin Def. Xian Fang Huo Ming Yin is a good fit with his tongue and pulse, but Yi Yi Ren Tang seems better for treating both skin inflammation and OA. The O does not want to try more than one herbal formula at a time, so combining them is not an option at this time. Do you think Coix Formula is a good first choice?

Thank you for your expertise, as always.
Take care!
by naturevet
February 28, 2022
Hi there!

I think a way to start would be a Shao Yang formula like Minor Bupleurum. You can add Qin Jiao to it, or go with the Kan Essentials' Benefit Hips and Knees. If you're certain of Blood or Yin deficiency, you can further add Si Wu Tang to it in a 2:1 ratio of MB to SWT. It should address that L-S pain. The Shao Yang also controls circulation to the dorsum, and can thus influence pain from stiffness and fixation. Meanwhile, it will help address the skin issues

That would be my suggestion based on what you describe. To further support Yin and Blood, while clearing some Heat and addressing Blood stasis that may be contributing to pain, you can add in Qing Ying Tang

Hopefully that helps you out!

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