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For Me
by mnewk - February 28, 2022
Hey all
aging is a bitch. so now I find that I have "severe calcification of my coronary arteries, and my abdominal aorta/iliac artery junctions"
short of breath, pain in quads after walking.
So.........any ideas? thank you

PS I have a human client with osteo. would the Bannick/Marsden herb help her? she's on chemo.

Mark Newkirk
by naturevet
March 1, 2022
Hi Mark,

It's hard to know regarding your osteo client. If there is a lot of heat, pain and swelling, then it's worth a try if she is game, I guess

Regarding yourself, the goal is to prevent aneurysms. Measures you take to do that should help with the coronary arteries. You can watch a video about aneurysm prevention here. This website, by Michael Greger MD, is the single most reliable resource for how lifestyle can be used to treat and prevent disease. The answer to your problem is easy: don't smoke and eat a vegetarian diet. The execution is harder, unless you're strongly motivated, but it can and likely will save your life.

Herbally speaking, atherosclerosis is the end-product of endothelial dysfunction. You can address that with Blood moving formulas. I'd suggest long term use of Xue Fu Zhu Yu Tang to get things moving in the right direction. Buy some Dan Shen (Salvia) as a 5:1 concentrate (A Time to Heal should have it) and add about 20g per 100g. It will start to improve arterial health, especially when paired with diet and lifestyle change. If you have hypertension, it will help with that, too, but if it's significant, you should use hypotensive drugs to get it under control. Lastly, if you're diabetic, the same diet approach advocated by Greger (i.e. a vegetarian lower fat diet) will likely also reverse the condition, potentially allowing you to be weaned off medication

Hopefully this info helps you out! I've had to tackle lifestyle change myself. It's not easy for someone brought up eating meat and potatoes, but for me, it was the only way forward to have any quality or quantity of life!

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