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Epilepsy In A Dog
by CorinneC - March 31, 2022    View Case Report
Mamba is a 3yo Pittbull X I just saw two weeks ago for seizure activity that progressively worsened after being vaccinated for DAP, Lepto, Lyme, and Rabies in Dec 2021!!! It all started with a head tick, clumsiness, and decreased motor coordination that has since progressed to intermittent blindness, hypersensitivity to sound/vibration, and grad mal seizures. To top it all off her owner allowed her to get pregnant (yes you read that right!) Feb 6. This is when many of these signs worsened. Her sizing can include uncontrolled movements, lunging at objects, biting at the air. She is also fairly incontinent and pees in home. Fed Acana kibble. Very sensitive to the wind, terrified in fact. On exam she was very scattered, disoriented, pacing, head down, searching. OU menace decreased but still present. Tongue lavender, sl dry. Pulses wiry, sl choppy. At the time I assumed a Liver Blood deficiency and Wind Invasion and put her on Tian Ma Gou Teng Yin and I rec'd a raw diet.

Today I reassessed her and she is worse. She is now more timid, less affectionate. She walks with her head down and walks with caution, bumps into objects. Her dorsal skin is very dry and flakey. To her owner she often looks like she is chasing things, running madly after something. O thinks she may have hit her head with all of her running around. On exam she has no menace response, she is blind. She is so agitated I cannot examine her fundus but she does have normal sized pupils and some PLR response, moderate light sensitivity. Tongue now normal pink, pulses toned.

In hindsight I should have seen the intensity of her signs. I now think she has a THO and Liver Yang rising. I put her on Chai Hu blah, blah with 20g Bu Gan Tang. And then I read your textbook and it said not to use this formula in pregnancy and I fell to the floor and sobbed...Not really but I was very sad for my mistake. Is this a really bad idea?

Thanks in advance as always!
by naturevet
April 1, 2022
Hi Corinne

Don't cry. It's a theoretical contraindication only, since the formula is downbearing, which you want to avoid in pregnancy. See what happens now you've started it, I guess. If the neuro symptoms don't improve in the first couple of weeks, then you can phase it out

Another possibility is to try Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tang. Generally I find relentless pacing in dogs responds to that if CHJLGMLT doesn't work. Being worse from pregnancy also fits the formula, since that is a form of lower burner 'excess'. Lower burner excess is essentially Jue Yin excess, which is more likely over the winter solstice, and would be associated with dorsal flaking etc. The latter supports the notion that circulation is deeply internalized, thus calling for a mobilizer like BZYQT. Two other things that fit: aggravation from vaccination (due to immune suppression) and aggravation from wind. The latter suggests Liver Qi stagnation. Spleen Qi Sinking aka Jue Yin excess is a form of Liver Qi stagnation

Hopefully this helps you out! You do have some tough cases!

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