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Voltrex And Halscion Dosing
by sophiek - June 11, 2023
Hi Steve,

I follow your Ask Dr. Steve FB group to try and get as much experience of how you are using herb blends in practice.

One of my clients recently posted on there about her dog "Jetson". He has cardiac disease, multiple masses in lung fields and has seizures. He has been going pretty well considering all his issues on mXFZYT, LJZT and CHJLGMLT (which I changed over recently to as close to Halscion as I can manage here in Australia - no access to the GSH yet - I added 50gm YGJ to 100gm CHJLGMLT).

As the cough and seizures are continuing you recommended to add in Voltrex to bump up the Minor Bupleurum dosage.

I dosed Jetson on 60mg/kg BID of the Halscion - how high could you go of this blend?
Are you recommending adding the Voltrex instead of just increasing the Halscion blend to get more anti-inflammatory effect?

Thanks so much!
by naturevet
June 16, 2023
Hi Sophie,

Voltrex (Minor Bupleurum) is more specific to cough, unless the dog is in congestive heart failure, in which case CHJLGMLT is more advantageous. Otherwise, I was curious whether a concentrated hit of Minor Bupleurum might be more anti-tussive or anti-neoplastic than the amount that the CHJLGMLT has in it. You could increase the dose of it instead, but you might get some loose stools in some animals when you do that.

If you instead use Minor Bupleurum. You could nudge up the CHJLGMLT dose a little (with its YGJ addition) to maintain an overall downward direction to the action of the formulas to help quell seizures. There are probably several right answers here. The logic was just to have a more concentrated hit of Minor Bupleurum.

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