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Dental Tartar
by CorinneC - April 10, 2024
Hi Steve,

I've been wondering for awhile about what to do from a TCVM perspective about dogs with regular tartar build up. I have a little 5yo FS Havenese that needs dentals (often with extractions) every 1-2 years. She builds tartar so easily and her mom works very hard to brush her teeth, feeds a raw diet with lots of veggies, and has actually never vaccinated Isa Jean as she herself is a homeopath. Isa is 100% healthy in every other way! Isa has nicely toned, if not a little wiry, pulses, and a reddish-pink tongue. It makes me think her immune system needs some help - Yin deficiency, ShaoYang disharmony?? I've actually considered trying XCHT with SWT or YGJ but I wonder what you will suggest?

Thanks in advance,
by naturevet
April 27, 2024
Hi Corinne,

I don't know if I have an answer for that beyond the oral health products advocated for tartar. In general, though, a dry mouth will facilitate tartar formation. If the dog pants a lot, then we'd want to figure out why. If the dog has a lot of thirst, then Stomach Heat should be addressed. Maybe with Yi Guan Jian, Zhi Bai Di Huang Wan, or even Halscion. Whatever of those seems to fit the best?

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