Question Details
by carolgifford - December 6, 2009
Hi Steve,
I'm seeing a 2 y.o. F French Bulldog who has questionable fertility. She has been bred twice, and although the first breeding was successful, only yielded one pup (normal Frenchie litter ~3-4 pups). She has been completely worked up at the (Western) local fertility specialists and everything appears normal. I am confident that the breeding was performed and timed correctly. The owner has come to me for TCVM.
When I saw Vivian, she had deep pulses that were slow, thin (wiry?) and slippery. Her tongue was pink and moist with no coating but swollen.
Vivian is a confident dog, worries when the owner worries, likes to solve puzzles and make up games. Her owner describes her as indefatigable, obsessed with toys and constantly "busy". Also a bit of a "drama queen", but very athletic.
She is a warm-seeker and seems always cold, shivering when others aren't. Normal stools & urine. Mediocre appetite.
Her back was cool but slightly warm over BL21, and deficient at SP6.
I needled GV20, 14; BL 11, 21, 23; SP6; KI3,6 and was rewarded with improved pulses and an overall warmer dog.
Any suggestions for other acupuncture points to try? Herb recommendations? As always, thanks a million for your help.
Carol Gifford
by naturevet
December 6, 2009
Hi Carol,

It seems like an overall tonifying strategy is called for here, given the pulse. The extroverted nature of the dog suggests a strong Heart energy, that may need balancing by a stronger Kidney energy. Your point protocol reinforces that notion - SP 6 can be used to tonify the LV, KI and SP.

If digestive symptoms are absent and the dog is not particularly Damp, I'd probably start with a fairly robust Kidney tonic like You Gui Wan. If there is Damp present, then Rehmannia Eight is a safer bet.

Good luck! It might take a few months for the herbs to improve the dog's fertility, so hopefully the next breeding is a while away yet.

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