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Gagging With Yin Tonic
by rmtran - December 6, 2009
Hi Steve,

I have been treating a 11 years old MC Old English Sheep Dog for a year, and I find it is very challenging these days.


He presented for spondylosis and hind limb weakenss, and he is on low dose of thyroid supplement since the time I started to see him. He did pretty well until recent.

When he appeared as Yin Deficient with False Heat, I treated him with Da Bu Yin Wan. He started to gag every time he gets it. When a patient coughs with Yin tonic, does this mean that LU Qi is weak or the Yin tonic is too cloying for the patient?

Maybe I should only concentrate to Qi Deficiency with mild Yin tonic such as Liu Wei Di Huang.

This patient is currently on Modified Bu Qi Zi Yin Tang (Ba Ji Tang, Dang Gui, Du Zhong, Feng Hua Fen, Gui Zhi,Huang Qi, Niu Xi, Shu Di Huang, Wu Yao), but he has the similar symptom if this is continued for a week or so (not every time as it was with DBY).

Thank you for the imput!

by naturevet
December 7, 2009
Hi Rieko,

Given that the dog is reacting the same way to the other tonic formula, it sounds like it is too Dampening for him. To test whether Yin tonification is still appropriate, using a non-Dampening tonic like Liu Wei Di Huang Wan is the way to go. If it happens then, too, but we still think tonification is in order, then we need to turn our attention to the Spleen and Stomach, assuming other symptoms fit that change in emphasis.

Good luck. I like your logic thus far.

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