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by ahdvm - December 13, 2009
Hi Steve,
I have a 11 year old male neutered golden with lyphoma. About 1.5 weeks ago, I started him on hoxsey-like forumla and four marvels powder. Hes still feeling pretty good but the lymph nodes were all larger Thursday when I saw him, and his tongue was much more lavender in color. The pulse is less thick and wide so I think I'm taking care of the dampness ok, but I think I need a strong blood mover to help with stasis. Does that sound about right? what would you recomend?
by naturevet
December 13, 2009
Hmmm. What to use depends on the rest of the symptoms. If the dog has other geriatric complaints, then we've had good luck combining Hoxsey and SMS with Rehmannia Eight in these old guys.

If there are no symptoms to guide you, we've used Xiao Chai Hu Tang to help enable the other two formulas you're using.

Always, we'll try a very low dose (0.1 to 0.2 mg/kg) of pred SID to BID TO take lymph nodes down, given usually a week or three at a time, on an as needed basis.

As well, we routinely use oral vitamin A and D, usually just the large animal preparations that contain 500,000 IU per ml of vitamin A. We give them orally once to twice a week. I'd probably go with about 600 000 IU of A and the associated quantity of D3.

Finally, we move the dog onto a non-dampening diet (higher protein, lower carb). Home-cooked is ideal, because then we can get lots of antioxidants in there using fresh produce. We supply the owners with guidelines adapted from the 'paleolithic diet' in the Manual of Natural Veterinary Medicine (Elsevier).

Hope that is useful advice for your patient.

by mikemesley
December 13, 2009

Is adding Dang Gui to the SMS in this case a bit "weak" in terms of its effects?
Also, we have an formula here that has both Vitamins A and D, but also incorporates some Vit e too - would this be a problem for this protocol?

by naturevet
December 14, 2009
Hi Mike,

Adding Dang Gui is a good idea if it's felt SMS has been too cooling or drying, such as when the pulse begins to feel deep and thin rather than more superficial, broad and slippery. So given that the effort here is to make the pulse smaller and move it inwards, I would wonder if Dang Gui would interfere. But I don't know for sure. It's worth remembering if the above advice doesn't help.

As for vitamin E being in the mix, that's not a problem. Usually it's in there as a preservative, and not for any clinical effect.

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