Question Details
by marneemadsen - December 13, 2009
Hi Steve,
What do you see as pathogensis of borborygmus from a blood flow perspective (let's say more severe and loud accompanied by abdom pain)?

Decreased blood flow causing Qi stagnation and increased peristalsis and cramping?

What happens with a formula like Wu Yao Tang that would take congested blood and move it outwardly? Why does that work?

by naturevet
December 13, 2009
Hi Marnee,

I see borborygmi as a peristaltic issue, which WYT aids through its smooth muscle antispasmodic properties. Cyperus and Aucklandia have a strong antispasmodic effect, and even Dang Gui has some.

As for why borborgmi occur, it often is in response to irritation from inflammation. Regulating blood flow, of course, resolves the inflammation.

Have a great day!

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