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Internal Cold?
by Cathy L. - December 13, 2009
Hi Steve and group,

I see a middle-aged Lab for tx of bilateral cruciate dz, anxiety. She is also hwt +. The owner has noticed that the dog's (fresh) stools are cool, so I was reading in the Dagmar Ehling book about herbs to dispel cold in the MJ. Would one of these single herbs be appropriate to add to her blood def/blood stasis formula?

He lists different herbs for warming the stomach- how do I tell where that cold originates? She has no other GI signs.


:)Cathy L.
by naturevet
December 13, 2009
Hi Cathy,

An interesting symptom and an observant owner! To confirm the coolness for yourself, have the dog lick your hand. If the tongue feels cool then definitely a warming formula is called for. My favourite for this situation, and where you'd like more Blood and better peripheral perfusion in the process, is Wei Ling Tang. It works well, and can help the dog better digest the Blood tonics as well.

Hope that helps you out.

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