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Idiopathic Cystitis In A Cat
by drsusie - December 16, 2009
Hi Steve,
I am treating a cat with gross hematuria that has a negative culture. He is currently eating raw food with a urinary pH of 6. I have recommended Si Miao San and glucosamine. His pulse is rapid and wirey. It has been a while since I did AP on him so I can't remember which points were active. Is there a better choice for herb or do you have any other suggestions?
Thanks for your help
by naturevet
December 19, 2009
Hi Susie,

The rapid pulse indicates heat. The wiriness indicates a need to increase perfusion to epithelial surfaces. So Si Miao San fits the heat, but takes blood away from epithelial surfaces. I would wonder instead about San Ren Tang, or especially Zhi Bai Di Huang Wan. The latter is strongly Damp Heat clearing and thus very helpful in cystitis in cats that exhibit some signs of Yin deficiency or Kidney weakness. Lastly, there's a formula called Dao Chi San ('guide out the red') which was developed to treat persistent hematuria. It's the first formula I ever used in a cat with persistent hematuria and it worked very well. I'd start with ZBDHW now, and then when we all get back to work the week after next, we can send you the Dao Chi San if the problem has not improved. Let us know how it goes,


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